$RUNEVM serves as the intrinsic governance token for the RuneVM blockchain. $RUNEVM holders have the ability to transfer value, engage in governance voting processes, and actively contribute to the RuneVM ecosystem.

To attract users, the RUNEVM token will undergo a pre-launch phase on the Ethereum network. Subsequently, the RUNEVM token will be seamlessly bridged to the RuneVM chain mainnet upon its official launch, ensuring a smooth transition for token holders.

Basic information

The fundamental information of $RUNEVM is as follows:

  • Token Name: RuneVM

  • Token Symbol: RUNEVM

  • Token Decimals: 18

  • Total supply: 21,000,000

  • Contract address: TBA

Token distribution

  • Initial Liquidity: 70%

  • Ecosystem & Incentives: 15%

  • Contributors: 15%

Tax fee

Buy: 5%

Sell: 5%

Token taxes will be allocated towards marketing efforts, building and maintaining the RuneVM chain's infrastructure, ensuring the platform's sustainable operation, and serving as an incentive for future staking $RUNEVM participants.

Last updated